SAF1 - copy db.sqlite to ASD


So it works with this permission, which is of course a bug with your Samsung device. The ASD no longer requires storage permissions since API 19 (Android 4.4 / KitKat).

I don't understand it... Where is the mistake...

Which mistake? As I said...

All the time I have my mobile phone connected to the PC via USB...

scroll down and look for:

But the app was launched as an .apk ...

I ran TestToASD.apk…

I chose:

And in that folder

is this:

The file dbKnihy..... is not there

Thanks for all the replies so far.
I have to leave now....

From your computer it should look like this:

Then disconnect, connect again and post a screenshot like mine.

I copied the sqlite file from Documents/Zalohy to ASD. Unfortunately, there are 0 sentences in the ASD file... Where am I making a mistake?

You probably need to complete the giving permission process before trying to copy the file. Note that this appears to be a device issue (Samsung) for the requirement to manage all files permissions.

Go back up and look at Anke's example blocks for TestToASD.apk

Your answer to my question is still missing


The app will not be in Google. It is only for my private use.

Then there is no need to use SAF
Get the manage external storage permission

and use one of the file extensions, for example App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps to copy the file to ASD

As this permissioni is not declared in the Companion app you can't test this with Companion.


Can anyone help?
I use the SAF extension.
Mobile: Android: 14

  • In the /Documents/Zalohy/ folder there are several files, for example: dbKnihy2411060728.sqlite, dbKnihy2411051250.sqlite, dbKnihy2410171001.sqlite, etc.
  • I want to select one of these files and copy it to ASD as dbKnihy.sqlite.
    Unfortunately, I can't copy the file...
    Where am I making a mistake?



No need to create a new topic for the same question, which you keep asking ...

We have provided all the answers to your question above:

Use SAF CopyDocumentToFile, or set MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

Make your life easier and don't use SAF as already mentioned from the beginning of this thread


This seems the most acceptable way for me... One more question: How do I achieve the renaming of the .sqlite file in ASD? What extension is best to use for this?

Use the File component "Move" block to rename a file.

Thank you.