Hello, I have a sheet in Google, I want to display it in the list view in the right align. I also searched in the forum and there were many suggested ways, but I did not get the result. Please guide me(Right aligning in listview ) Thank you.
Here's a collection of extensions to the ListView:
Also see
for something you can customize.
and finally,
This sample code can be used to determine text width in pixels at run time, in case you can't get a monospace font for character count based left padding.
In case if you are considering using an extension, below extension has a property to set text alignment.
hi very thanks
Hello and thanks, doesn't this extension have a filter bar(search)?Is it possible that the contact feedback duration is permanent?
The Image List Viewer extension has a function to filter the list, you need to connect it with a text box that can be used as search box.
Hello, suppose we have five rows of data in the image list view and five indices, when we click on the second row, the second index is activated. But when we use the filter, the number of rows decreases and the indices also decrease.A row that used to have index two, for example, now becomes index one. What should we do? When we click on a row whether it is filtered or not, a fixed index will be activated. The initial index of the row should be preserved
You need to go back to the list that was used to build the listview, and compare the value (not the index) of each item to find the corresponding index.
Hi thanks.