Reuse Screen Layout/Blocks of a project to another

I have a project containing 3 screens. I want to reuse one of them in another project. I used to do that by copy/paste previously, but it doesn't work now. Would anyone teach me how to copy a screen layout and blocks (components) to another project? Thanks!

Have you tried CTRL+C and CTRL+V, or CTRL+INSERT and SHIFT+INSERT?

If both not working, you can export the aia of old project and new project. Unzip the old aia, move the relevant blk and scm file into the new aia. And you need change the screen name if necessary, both file name and content of the file.

blk and scm both are text based file, can be opened by notepad.

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I have tried CTL+C/CTL+V, but not yet try CTL+Insert/Shift+Insert. I have just tried CTL+Insert/Shift+Insert. It can work for screen design, but not work for blocks. Later I will try export to .aia

for blocks, use backpack.

Dear @bdu,
let me agree with @Kevinkun: the .aia is the easiest way to re-use an already existing app.
For example I've made a "frame" of an app (a generic.aia) in which I've put by default some extensions (like TaifunTools, for example, credits to @Taifun :+1:) , some default variables, at least one clock, a splash screen, the structure of a couple of "virtual screens" (see related tropic :How to use Virtual Screens), the BluetootClient....
Depending on which type of app you develop more, you can add files_management, TinyDB, or whatever.
To this purpose you can have different frames in various .aia files, like they were a library, among with you can select the most suitable at a time.
Best wishes.

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