Hey, there
I am Kanahia, a Freshman as an MnC student at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), MIT App Inventor was my first tool to create android apps before I started building apps with Kotlin (Android), and really want to extend the functionality of App Inventor by creating extensions.
Can anyone please guide me to get started (like how and what to contribute)?
You should take a look at the announcement topic, which has pointers to potential projects as well as how to submit a proposal.
What particular project works best for you will depend upon a number of factors, such as what languages you are comfortable with and your ability to work in web or mobile environments. If there's a project of interest, we can provide more information about what in particular to focus on.
Thanks for providing me information, I have interest in Built-In Block Extensions projects as I can code in Java and have worked up with Kodular earlier.
Can you please help how to get started so that I can contribute better to MIT App Inventor.