[REBORN !] TableView Extension Versions 3&4 (pre nb191) and 5 by @Ken

screen from android 13 and V4.6Int

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In the confusion of this I ended up with two files named com.kennicholsandroid.TableView.aix

One did not work and I thought it was version 5, the other does work and is evidently the real 5. :thinking:

After throwing everything around this afternoon it seems you need two things at the moment (2023-01-14) for this to all work properly.

  1. Companion 2.69 which you get from Play Store. (NOT 2.69u from the AI2 web app)
  2. This version of the extension:
    com.kennicholsandroid.tableviewV4.6Int.aix (17.3 KB)

Thanks to all for their help/testing/pointers

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The version 5 is working.

Hmm, maybe for your device.

When I switch between different extension versions, I also have problems with Companion (just as happened with other extensions). I therefore basically delete the companion folder \Android\data\edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3\. After that everything works fine (and in this case regardless of the extension version).

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Hi guys, can anyone provide me the tableviewer extension version 5?
(Ken's TableView Extension)

Look up a few posts, you may need v4.6 instead ?

Also worth considering, and I recommend, the Tableviewer Extension