I have the following coding and want to display the value of "ChannelName" on textbox 1. I have attached the blocks here. Please tell me how to fix it.
include './config2.php';
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM InternetRadio_Link
ORDER BY ChannelNo";
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
foreach($result as $row) {
echo $row["id"],$row["ChannelNo"],$row["ChannelCounty"],$row["ChannelName"],$row["ChannelURL"],$row["ChannelPlayPic"];
11Germanyrbb Fritz - Berlin 102.6 FMhttp://fritz.de/livemp3http:// France Culturehttp://icecast.radiofrance.fr/franceculture-midfi.mp3http:// StatesWFDU Retro Radio 89.1 FM - Teaneck, NJhttp://peridot.streamguys1.com:5350/ihearthttp:// oe1campushttp://orf-live.ors-shoutcast.at/campus-q2ahttp:// KingdomCapital London 95.8 FMhttps://media-ice.musicradio.com/CapitalMP3http:// from the Navy, FM 88.5 Sor.Tor.1, Wangnanthayuthayahttp://radio12.plathong.net/7346/;stream.mp3http:// FM 91.3 - Singaporehttps://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/ONE_FM_913.mp3?dist=worldradiomaphttp:// Italia Radio - Lazio 93.1https://stream4.xdevel.com/audio1s975968-807/stream/icecast.audiohttp:// Broadcasting Service (PBS)https://stream.zeno.fm/qnt98p5m108uvhttp:// 89.9 - Kuala Lumpurhttp://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/BFM.mp3http://
Doesn't look like a dictionary, just a list of URLs. You would need to use text manipulation to extract the channel names if you can . May be better to look at your query again...
I actually changed the display method, so I want to use the dynamic component to show the list. But I got the following error. Can you please tell me how to fix it?
Thank you very much, and I learned a lot from you. However, if I want to display a flag of each country and its channel name (see attached). Each country flag is in the exact location "" where the country name is referred by JSON file "ChannelCounty". When clicking the respective country flag, it will play the song and the URL of the song is in the JSON file "ChannelURL". How can I do that?
The screen is according to the "aia" file you provided.
Finally, I can load the country flags and play their radio respectively. But the App responds a bit slowly. May I know what I can improve it? getCh2.aia (38.0 KB)
It is slow because of the time it takes to get all of the images (even though they are small in size). Just remove the image block and replace it with an empty test block, you will see the difference.
Might be better to download the images to the device on first run, then load them to the list view from the local files. (or get all the images and upload them to the media folder - assets - in the app)