Read data from google sheet V2

Hello everyone, a few months ago, I created an application to read the data of a google sheet in MIT APP INVENTOR in labels. This application allows to load the google sheet in CSV format. This application worked perfectly until today. It turns out that the apk downloaded and installed on my phone still works, but that the app with the companion and when one generates a QR code no longer works. I would like to point out that this application has not been changed one iota since its creation and operation.
Has MIT APPINVENTOR made an update regarding this manipulation?

In addition, I had a project to create another application on the same basis and I had copied the blocks identically in my new applicationbut it doesn’t work either.

I would really need the new block solution to repair my old application and create the new one.

This solution allowed me to read the Google Sheet data in real time, just by updating on MIT APP INVENTOR.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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The app for blocs : Forum_help.aia (3.3 MB)



looks wrong, you are setting the sheet name to the spreadsheet ID ?

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Hello, yet it was still 2 months ago that it worked. In your opinion, what should be changed?

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oui, je pense pouvez vous regarder dans le .aia pour être sûr

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Try changing it to "ID_sheet_name". Does your app works as expected then ?

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Could you explain me what i can change

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I try and i have an error : Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1: [" 1"]

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Could you edit the app and return me with modifications ?

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I am with a client online at the moment, will have a look later on.

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ok thanks you very much for your help !

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Your spreadsheet does not appear to have "anyone can view" permission. it will not work in App inventor without it.

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How can i make that ?

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On spreadsheet click here (top right)

Click on "Change to anyone with the link"

Should then look like this:


Click on Done.

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Made a few block changes, also re encoded your gif and put it in a webview, removing 5mb of files. Errors gone ....

Forum_help_revised.aia (371.9 KB)

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The problem was on the second screen on the and it still doesn’t work out do you have a solution to read the data from the google sheet? I authorized via the link the modification as you asked me above

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It is reading the google sheet....

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Ah, I see you have changed the sheet name from STOCK BENNES to SITE 1.

Edit the ID_sheet_name block to SITE1 and edit the spreadsheet tab names to SITE1, SITE2, SITE3....

(Spaces are never a good thing)

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