Qrcode scanning

hi, i have follow the steps of this toutorial( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hynTBp-3toQ&t=592s ), and it work without problems, but do you know how I can save more data on my spressheet? (not only the “intime” and “outtime” about one day, but for more months and add in the data saved the date of scanning?)
thank you so much!!!

The source code for the video is at https://www.crazycodersclub.com/android/qr-scan-attendance-app-using-app-inventor-google-sheet-app-script/

For a more general purpose approach, see FAQ Section: Google Sheets

The AI2 Clock component in the Sensors drawer has blocks to format date/time values.
I like the Milliseconds from 1970 block because it is just a number that can be converted into any other format.