ProgressBar - Customizable Segmented ProgressBar, height, margin, and color

Segmented ProgressBar
Configure a progress bar divided into multiple segments,
each with customizable height, margin, and color.



Initializes a segmented progress bar within a HorizontalArrangement.

Use true to use gradient colors.


Changes the height of the segments.


Change the heights of multiple specific segments and allow you to set the position (bottom, top, or centered).


Changes the margin between segments in the progress bar.


Updates the top and bottom margins.


Changes the color of one or more specific segments and a list of segment indices



Resets the total progress to 0.


Sets the total progress in percentage (0 to 100).


Gets the total progress.


Triggered when the total progress of the segmented progress bar reaches 100%.

Update v1.4 Mar 13, 2025.

  • The index started at 0; now it starts at 1.
  • A margin was applied to the end of the last segment, which caused it to be uncentered in the arrangement. The margin to the right of the last segment has been removed.
  • The SetSegmentProgressImage function has been removed, as that function is better implemented in another extension I made.
    • Download
  • Support for AI2 color blocks has been added; hexadecimal color blocks are still available.
  • Helper blocks have been added for shapeType in the InitializeSegmentedProgressBar function.
  • Two functions called SetIndividualSegmentHeight and TopBottomMargins have been added.

ProgressBar.aia (23.5 KB)

Extension v1.4
joejsanz.joedevprogressbar.aix (17.4 KB)

minSdk: 21
maxSdk: 34
JDK: 11

Built using: FAST-CLI v2.6.0




Thanks for your contribution.

Thank you so much @husnain

Thanks for sharing this extension, I'm going to try it!

Thank you very much @Gabriel_Egea , I have some extra features for the next update, I hope you like this extension, any questions, let me know.

Version 1.1


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Very good :+1:

Can it be done with a background image? See here

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Thank you so much @TIMAI2
I don't know how to do it yet, but I'll look into it.



Great update, thanks a lot for this extension. It's great.

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Do you think it is also possible to configure a gradient in the block that configures the .SetSegmentColor? Thanks again

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Thank you so much @Gabriel_Egea

I think so, as soon as I have that done I will upload the update.

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Version 1.3


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Wow super fast, thanks a lot for this change!

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I was trying the extension there and it seems that there is an error, the segmentIndex value stopped accepting the lists, it would not let me make a list with the segments. Is this the case now? Should I make a block for each segment? Thanks

It's true, it's a single index, in a few more hours I will solve that detail, I was doing tests and I missed it.

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Thank you very much, it is not a serious problem because you can use one block for each segment, it is more uncomfortable but it could be used that way. Thanks again for your work.


I have updated the Version 1.3 extension so that the SetSegmentColor function accepts a list of indices.


@Joejsanz, again thank you very much

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@Joejsanz Query, how are you getting the gradient to pass through the segments? 1722420059890

In my case, the gradients are generated within the segment individually. What configuration should I use for the gradient to be generated as in the attached gif?


This is how my gradient looks with the following configuration

But if you look at the gradient it is generated in each segment individually