Problems for app inventor ( using OpenRoute Service)

MIT App Inventor Gallery this here is my app for gps and navigation, it was suppose to navigate a place and make a route when long pressing on the map, but it some how didn't work, what is the problem for my app?

appears you are attempting go to a place to or from an island. The ORS cannot plot a route that requires crossing a body of water unless there is a means to get there over a road. :thinking:

You used and modified the example at this



do you know how can i fix this problem?

Which problem? Your coding issues or the fact that Navigate cannot provide a route if the start location is on an island and the destination is at a location on the island and there aren't any bridges from the island to the mainland.

Provide your location coordinates (lat, lon) and the coordinates of one location you would like to navigate a route to and I might be able to provide a solution. :thinking:

uhh, do you have any ideas for making a app that you can add or minus locations with a tiny db and you can also draw on a part of a map with a canva? only needed gps and navigation is not needed.

Sorry, that is not possible. You can use a LineString to 'draw' on the map.

Sure, but first it has to be established why your existing app is failing. So as I requested, provide me our location coordinates (lat, lon) and the coordinates of one or two of the locations you would like to show to and I might be able to provide a solution

22.271407, 114.181523

thats the latlong for my location

I do not believe you can use the Map component from your location Louie.
Your isp is probably blocking. I created an example using your coordinates and it would not work to get from your location to a location within.

You might be able to use this extension to use Bing maps instead

Does the extension work for you? I hope so. :thinking:

I have successfully fixed my code, but I want to ask that can any think make a code for taking a screen shot of the map/upload a picture onto the canva in app inventor? because I want to try drawing on the map.

Use the linestring to draw on the map. (as previously suggested).

There are extensions available (if you can use them) that can take an image of your map, or entire screen, for you to work with on the canvas.

what are some examples for extensions to draw on the map?