Problem with Emulator

I install emulator to a win 10 machine. when i try to use emylator the emulator opens and an errom message apears to the browser. I sreate a new blank project and when i try to use the emulator after a while the emulator oen a blank screen and in the brouser i get this
"Error from Companion: invoke: no method named `AppName' in class"

how can i solve the problem??


Maybe you would like to try the Sep 2022 open beta emulator?

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Muchas gracias por la actualizaiĆ³n, tengo windows 11 y despuĆ©s de haber actualizado he conseguido llegar a ver un "movil" pero no consigo ver mis aplicaciĆ³n, siempre me aparece "error de ejecuciĆ³n".
ĀæQuĆ© he de hacer?

Current emulator information:

More specific advice would require specific error message content and platform version information.