Problem while using outdated companion app version

Hi Kevinkun,
I have tried your aia, but a problem happens Error 2101: The file//carData.csv could not be found
Thanks for your answer

Which aia ?

Show your relevant blocks, or upload your aia here


Your aia...

TimAI2, what I want to say is that I would like to test your AIA, but I need a carData.csv file
...could you share it?

Error 2101: The file//carData.csv could not be found

Do you mean cardData.csv ?

Use the file in the aia you just sent...

Yes , I see, but when I try the aia, an error is shown: rror 2101: The file//carData.csv could not be found,
could you help me?

You are missing the d in cardData...

I find the Error 2101: The file//cardData.csv could not be found
My Android Version is 13

Please share your aia project

The AIA is your AIA.
My problem is I am not able to acces the CSV file.
I have read some solutions, but anyone solves the problem to me

Are you testing with companion or with a compiled app ?


Did you set the file scope to Asset?
Also remove the double slashes

The aia works perfectly in companion on my Android 13.

Yes I did, but comes the same error Error 2101: The filecardData.csv could not be found

don't you think, it would be a great idea to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks so we do not have to guess what might have gone wrong?


I have tried to use whithout slashes // and deafoultscope Asset.
If I used Taifun extension to verify if the file cardData exits it returns false
I olso tried A customized version of File component Developed by Sunny Gupta and it can´t read the file
NewCardViewDemo_2.aia (78.8 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-24 131548

NewCardViewDemo_3.aia (78.8 KB)


I have used NewCardViewDemo_3.aia