I just want to get comment and advice for warning that I got from google when publishing my app to google play store as the following screenshot.
Is this warning could be ignored with no issue from google?
Or how to resolve this issue?
As information I use some extensions in my app including Simple Sqlite, CustomListPicker, TaifunClipboard, UrsAI2Popup and TaifunTextbox.
Thanks Anke for your suggestion.
Anyone who wants to publish AI2 apps on the Play Store has been receiving this warning for years.
This surprise me.
Thanks already share this info.
I am in publishing my app to google play store.
But I got some warning in category Accessibility about Content labeling and Touch target size.
Is this warning serious or I could ignore it?
The warning as the following screenshot:
Content labeling
Touch target size
ignore it or follow the recommendations
I will ignore it since I don't have idea how to fix it.