Hello Anke I have the same problem, error 701, I tryed your solution and doesnt works for me, I am saving the sound in a tinydb and the source problem is the same: error 701: unabled to download.
I did the same with the video player and it works fine, but with the sound player it doesnt, any solution that you can give please?
thanks, I save an audio file in a tinyDB.storeValue and then i try to run it using a player, source is the tinydb.getvalue, because this show me an error 701, I had saved the audio file to in the next folder: /mnt/sdcard/audio.3gp, then I tryed to put the same address in the player.source but the same error is appearing Error 701, unabled to load...
I had tried to use the source /storage/emulated/0/... with the same results.
the strange thing is that i made the same with the video player, and it works fine, using just the tinyDB to store the video file
hope I am clear to describe the problem.
thanks for your help
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.
I had tried with mp3 too and the error is the same.
the code is very simple, one to record the file, other to stop the recorder, other one to save the file
and the last one to play the audio file
i had tried with mp3, i had tried with the exoplayer with the sound component, and the error is always the same, I had tryed different sources, and nothing, I am stocked!