ok for arrangement, but Image do not have BackgroundColor property.
Sorry, I am unable to understand your query
What I mean is:
After I set an Image with this extension, how can I remove the picture on the Image component?
any way I have made an remix version from your open resource code, like this
and I dont understand the meaning of enableIndicators. What's this for?
For height/width, I tried to set it to a different value from image's orign height/width, but it did not have any change.
says it is for debugging purposes to see from where the image is coming i.e. cache, storage or online.
Picasso error
test version in niotron and appinventor
the error information is
ERROR: appinventor/ai_anon6403037951164/test/Screen1.yail line 27: caught exception in inliner for # - java.lang.RuntimeException: no such class: com.sunny.Picasso.Picasso
Re-import extension and then build apk.
thank you for your fast replay
i imported many times and can not find the reason while other extensions can work
Try in a different project.
Failed to build the APK on different of my projects.
I imported the extension also in an empty project and tried to build the APK:
Previous versions 1.1 - 1.4 work, but version 2 doesn't.
Btw, what is the (correct / complete) path here:
The problems continue:
In addition, the "Error 908: The permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
..." is displayed on Android 13. Firstly, no storage permissions should be requested on Android 11+ for self-created images and secondly, it should (if at all) at least be the correct READ
permission, namely READ_MEDIA_IMAGES
(on Android 13+).
So please remove all storage permissions (at least on Android 11+). If these are needed because images not created by the app are to be accessed, the app developer should request the permission themselves. I have been suggesting this approach to MIT (especially for the Image comp) for years; you and @Taifun already implemented it in your File
extensions years ago.
Correction. The permission issue was caused by the File component (File.MoveFile
I had actually decided not to touch the File component again until these bugs were fixed. But I forgot again , and am now sticking with one of the two file extensions from you and Taifun!
ChangeLog Version 2.1
- Fixed
no such class: com.sunny.Picasso.Picasso
error occurring while compiling apk
com.sunny.Picasso.aix (344.9 KB)
I get an error saying "Error image may not be null" even though I've set the error image
Everything is fine, but the only issue is that the images are too blurry. Because of this, I can't use this extension. Please solve this problem