Password Generator Extension - My First Extension

Password Generator Extension

Generate Password

Generates a random password based on specified criteria.

  • length (integer): Length of the generated password.
  • useUppercase (boolean): Include uppercase letters in the password.
  • useLowercase (boolean): Include lowercase letters in the password.
  • useNumbers (boolean): Include numbers in the password.
  • useSpecialChars (boolean): Include special characters in the password.


  • A randomly generated password as a string.

Check Password Strength :

Checks if a password meets specified criteria for strength.

  • password (string): The password to be checked.
  • minUppercase (integer): Minimum required uppercase letters in the password.
  • minLowercase (integer): Minimum required lowercase letters in the password.
  • minNumbers (integer): Minimum required numbers in the password.
  • minSpecialChars (integer): Minimum required special characters in the password.


  • true if the password meets the specified criteria, false otherwise.

Extension Details

:shield: Extension Name: Password Generator
:arrows_counterclockwise: Version: 1.0.0
:bust_in_silhouette: Author: Adinarayan Sahu

Download URL:
com.adinarayan.passwordgenerator.aix (6.7 KB)


Thanks @Shreyash for the Rush.

Thank You
Adi :smile:


Thank you for your contribution, but:

  • Please use App Inventor blocks for your documentation.
  • You do realize, there are quite a number of similar extensions?

I forgot to change but now updated. Thank You

Or no extension required:

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