[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

hi guys,
i am facing issue when trying to display Ad on my app.
If i tick the ''test mode'' app is working fine, as soon as tick off the test mode and try to see what Ad is showing, the event ''AdLoad'' keeps failing.
I ve set the button text to change if failed just to prove it.
any suggestion?


Is your application published into console?

hi Jewel,

not yet. would that work?

Did you also follow the steps that modify the manifest?

hi Patryk,

what do you mean? i ve inserted into the manifest my app ID.
in test mode everything is fine, if i download the app with out the tick on ''testMode'' it doesnt load the Ad. According to some previous comment it might happen as app is not published yet to any store. I will now try to release the app on Google play and see what happen.


my extension at Niotron compiled an .nix file... what's with that?

The GDPR consent form cannot be called.

It fails on load form.

Could you tell me how to assemble the correct blocks?

Ever since this error started occurring the app has started lagging but only on phones, on tablets it has the same message but doesn't lag. Also no ads are being shown. When in test mode it still makes the app lag on phones but does show the test ads

invoke: no method named `InitializeSdk' in class java.lang.Boolean
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.


What is wrong here? I cannot fix, I tried by instructions to edit on Niotron IDE in the file, but I can't fix it. How exactly should I edit?


This problem has been mentioned and iterated a lot of times throughout the topic. You might want to search the topic.

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I searched the topic but I can't understand where I am wrong. My app is already published on Google Play Store and Amazon Store (previous version), I thought testing was problem and published with these extensions, but didn't work.

Are there mistakes in blocks?

I did, but should its DebugGeography be disabled?

Not that part. Continue reading please. The answer is in that specific post.

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I received this error when uploading my APK
Can you please help

<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID"/> how to use this for android 13? i mean advertising id. pls help

Does this extension still work today? I have tried to install it a few times and it gives an error

is it outdated?