[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

How do I place rewarded ad blocks? help! Show me an example! thank you :slight_smile:

Any Mediation network available With Facebook ads???(except admob)...
Because my admob account banned.

but it does not work today

How to solve this


Preciso de uma ajuda de vocês, estou tentando incluir anúncios do AdMob no meu aplicativo pelo APP Inventor, fiz todos os procedimentos conforme passado em alguns tutoriais de YouTube, porém, sempre que vou gerar o arquivo APK e tentar abrir, ele tenta abrir, mas já fecha, sem mostrar nada e retorna o erro.
Se alguém puder me ajudar, agradeço!

Are you using any extension? Please consult this with the author.

Sim, eu fiz esse processo

is it possible to display the banner ad without the button?

Me ha salido este error y no he encontrado como solucionarlo, lo que he encontrado no me ha servido. Alguien sabe que hacer?

Error: invoke: no method named `InitializeSdk' in class java.lang.Boolean

Update extension not working

When I give blocks admob initialize SDK and when I turn app on the app crashes

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Please provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks
To find out more about the runtime error, use Logcat


how can we use PurpleMango in the project?

Yes, this is possible.

provided admon extension not working please provide new one :pray: :pray: :pray:

Extention link not working

The link works. This is a problem with your local internet provider.

Stop spamming. The links are working, as I mentioned, the problem is on your side. Your ISP is probably blocking you from github.


not working
Error from Companion: make: no method named `' in class com.oseamiya.admobsdks.AdmobSdks

did you follow the Getting Started instructions from the first post?


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