OriginalToast Extension [Free & Open Source]


OriginalToast is an Extension to show Android Toast. Compatible with all Android Versions,
especially for Devices >= Android 11.

See Also : Custom toasts from the background are blocked

This extension won't be updated anymore, that's why I've provided the source code.

Latest Version: 1
Released: 2020-11-04T23:00:00Z
Last Updated: 2021-09-19T22:00:00Z




  • Show Toast
    to show toast that has been set using the property blocks
    blocks (1)
  • Duration
    to set toast duration, (duration block can only accept "LONG" and "SHORT")
    blocks (5)
  • HTML Format
    to enable HTML Format on toast
    blocks (6)
  • Text
    to set toast text, (if Html Format is enabled, toast text in html form can be executed)
    blocks (7)





com.SalmanDev.OriginalToast.aix (7.0 KB)
Source Code : OriginalToast.txt (3.4 KB)


Thank you to My Best Teacher @MohamedTamer :kissing_heart:
Big Thanks to @vknow360, @WatermelonIce And @Kumaraswamy for helping :heart_eyes:
Thanks to all of you who helped me :star_struck:
And Thanks a lot to MIT :heart:


There's actually no problem at all for the Android 11, but anyways good work!


Great work :+1:

Because Ai2 isn't yet targeting API 30.So custom toasts still works, due to the fact that the custom toasts aren't removed from the Android SDK, they are just deprecated in API version 30, which means that they can be no longer used when Ai2 targets API 30.


Might be useful to provide a list of gravity values for positioning....


They are listed here:

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I saw that, but for most users this would not make much sense.

e.g. what constant would place the toast vertical centre, 2/3 from the top ?

A simple list of these would help, rather than having to figure out the somewhat obscure descriptions from Android, or trial and error, one by one.


Good job.

I didn't help you.

Also sometimes, a combination of more than one constant is needed so providing blocks for it will be useful.

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Thank you very much @MohamedTamer, @WatermelonIce, @TIMAI2, @vknow360

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Yes, actually my extension, it works on all versions of Android

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OK I'll try to add the list like you said

Maybe you have forgotten, you helped me a lot,
but I will never forget your help :innocent:

I think I will do some research for that constant

Nice extensions, Some new features (margin and gravity) :wink:

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Thank you @newbiedeveloper :kissing_heart:

Okay @TIMAI2 I have Added List For Constant Value.

Good man :+1:

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Thanks a lot @TIMAI2 for the great idea :kissing_heart:

Awesome work friend! Keep it up

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Thank you very much for your support @Techno_Vedang :innocent: :kissing_heart:

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New Update

OriginalToast Extension [Free & Open Source]

  • Fixed Minor Bugs in Toast Duration

Final Update

OriginalToast Extension [FREE]

  • Removed Set Gravity Block (deprecated in API level 30)
  • Removed Set MarginX Block (deprecated in API level 30)
  • Removed Set MarginY Block (deprecated in API level 30)
  • Fixed Minor Bugs in ShowToast Block

Hi Everyone Now This Extension Is Open Source.

OriginalToast Extension [Free & Open Source]

Note: This extension won't be updated anymore, that's why I've provided the source code.

Ko-fi_Icon_RGB_rounded Buy me a coffee

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