Obtain an updated aab, Play Installer Control requires an SDK version of 21 or later

GOOD MORNING, PLEASE, TODAY I REQUESTED THE AAB FILE FROM AN APPLICATION I HAD MADE TIMES AGO WITH APPINVENTOR AND I UPLOADED IT TO THE PLAY STORE BUT I GOT THIS MESSAGE: Play Installer Control requires an SDK version of 21 or later. The uploaded app bundle has an SDK version of 7 or later. Update the minSdkVersion value in your app's Android manifest file. WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHY DIDN'T I GET AN ABB WITH THE UPDATED SDK?

Min sdk for app inventor is 7 and it is correct. And here you have the answer why google requires min sdk 21:

So you have two solutions, refuse to integrate google code into your aab, or add the extension to your project:

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Patryk thank you so much from the heart, I deactivated the protection as you told me and the aab file was accepted. kind regards

Please how deasactivate automatic protection ?

It is in the topic @Patryk_F linked to in his post.