Hi, this is from previous "Unable to Resize Images", recently i tried to modify the application for additional features purposes without modify the Presention Menu. This Application has two "work-attendance" feature and Thanks to the Community I was able to resize the photo using base64String and upload it to Google Drive using Script Google. on the first one, it was okay. but the second "afterwork-attendance" feature, come out the notification "Sorry, file to resize does not exist", yet still able to uploaded to Google Drive, how can get rid of the notification? Thanks
Your path looks like this: /Pictures/app_inventor_1648147559973.jpg
and this is NOT a path (in this case), but the File component can handle it, because it redirects it to the ASD if the FileScope is set to App (default setting).
I will leave you to test that out. Taifun is quite clear, the resize function targets files in the ASD, therefore if a file is inside a folder in the ASD, this must be set, but there is no need to provide the entire path to the ASD as well, because this is handled in Taifun's resize function.
I posted an image from his documentation to advise you, but you seem unwilling to accept this....
The latest version of the Image extension (Oct 21) is set to use the ASD as the base directory for image functions. If files are stored in any sub folders then these sub-folders must be included in the file path set to the resize function.