Necesito ayuda con error de ejecución

Es un quiz para ver que meme eres. El tema es que al ir seleccionando las respuestas, en algún punto me muestra el siguiente error:
(Posdata: tampoco me suma el puntaje)

Bloques pantalla 2:

Bloques Pantalla 3 (le falta terminar, pero debería funcionar como prueba y no lo hace):



Este error pasa con cualquier opcion que apriete al momento de probar el quizz

You make the same error dozens of times in your block.

What is it supposed to mean when you use the '+' math operator to add 1 to all those different pieces of text?

You have earned a Platinum Jubly.

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My idea was add one point to every text according to the button you select. But apparently that didn't work too well

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

Maybe you need to store points in TinyDB under different tags, starting at value = 0 if not found?

All those different pieces of text you try to add 1 to should be replaced by lookups in TinyDB, and the result of the + should be stored back into TinyDB under that tag?

proyecto_final.aia (958.3 KB)
That is the file. I was asking a teacher and he said something similar I think, so I'm going to try out, I would be very grateful if you could continue helping me because I am quite new to this and thanks for responding me❤

Thank you for the .aia file.
I needed a foreign language .aia file to see if I could find a way to translate that back to English.

I unfortunately know only English, and can barely guess at what you are trying to do.

Regarding your blocks, you are better off starting from a fresh project.

Here is some TinyDB FAQ for you to study, if you can read English:

thanks to you!!!
I can try to translate the text, but the names on the blocks of screen2 are keywords of the results on screen3 (maybe you could understand a little more if you play it in the emulator)
For example in the question 3 (pregunta3) each option is related to one result (they are described on the design of screen3 like "tata", "leona", etc) and that result is the keyword on the blocks.

(Blocks Screen2)

(Design Screen3)

Anyway I will try to give a default value to the buttons instead of the labels. Btw thank you very much for the article as soon as I get home I will read it.

Here is a Spanish language TinyDB example.

That site has lots of examples in translatable form.

Your app seems to be centered on these words:

I know Chile is a country in South America, but I don't know the other words.