Multiple marker based on var value

If i have set a variable value as 10,
So I want 10 marker on the map at different position
Likewise if the value of var changes the no of marker and position also changes.

How to do this?
Pls help with a img source

Thank you

This discussion discusses this topic Map marker identification

The complete discussion shows two ways to 'change the number' of a Marker. One uses CustomMarkers labeled 1,2,3,etc. (post 15), the other uses the Marker Info Box (post 4). Which labeling do you want to use?

The 'position changes'; then use the Marker.SetLocation latitude longitude Block to display a Marker at a new location. by providing the new latitude and longitude.

See Marker documentation

You might provide a more detailed explanation about what you want to do and tell us why you want to do this.