MIT App Inventor Appathon for Good 2021

Okay In which File format TXT or .md or .html

Any readable form.

5 days to go......


@Peter in the FAQ Section of Appathon it is saying that they will give themes on July 11
This Post by @ewpatton
Today is July 13

Image:- Highlighted


After that its also written apps that don't address one of the themes announced on 18 july
last year also the themes were announced on the day of kickoff

Good catch. I guess they forgot to change that text from last year. @ewpatton will have to change that to avoid confusion.


This should be fixed now.


Last year there was a slack workspace for the Hackathon.
But this year I didn't receive any invite mail. Will there be an slack workspace this year too??

@Peter @ewpatton

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see here:

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The current plan is to use the community site (aka here) instead of Slack.



I have a doubt, though I haven't participated.
Will those discussions be publicly available? It would be nice if they can be accessible to everyone so that we can learn from them, quite like last year.

I wanted to ask two silly things That If I cannot Do Somethings With Block Could I create an extension On time and use it Without publishing it also another similar doubt If again The procedure is not possible using Inbuilt blocks Could I Create A php Host it in my server Then Use GET or POST in Php and Combine With my app using Web Component

That is up to folks to decide. Any questions asked publicly via the Appathon category will be answered publicly by the team. We encourage everyone to ask questions publicly for the benefit of all. Teams may choose to make private chats using the PM feature to discuss app development.


So long as you include permission for MIT to redistribute your extension (as mentioned in the FAQ) as part of the Appathon this is fine.

Sure. This is already possible today and we don't restrict the use of any built-in components as part of the Appathon.

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Okay thanks @ewpatton

Are you getting excited? Just 2 days to go to the start of the MIT App Inventor Appathon 2021!!


We have 86 countries participating with over 1451 contestants with ages from 4 to 82.


Really Cannot Believe From Age 4 Also Age 82

the competition tho