When I use Legacy connection this message popup
code.appinventor is working properly too for me. Did you try a different Project. Did you run a speed test?
Why are you closing that qr popup?
i tried different projects too but still the same issu.
Why are you closing that QR message
It contains the companion code, don't close it.
I was talking about this:
That sounds ominous. It may be that the MIT Server is glitchy, as it was yesterday, but none of us (responders to your Topic) have seen that issue today. It might be that a greater power is intercepting your IP, either on the USA side or your side. You could try using a VPN.
tried using
even it's not helping
Are there any browser extensions installed?
Tell us the browser name
but I tried even with Chrome
same issue
Please tell us the above question.
Chrome is now blocking such network-based connections to be able to connect.
Opera is based on Chromium, which is based on Chrome, it might be the same problem.
I tried with Internet explorer still the same issue ;(
Hi there, I am experiencing the same issue since yesterday afternoon (now is 10 AM). I have the 2.63 version of Companion, I tried several apps, I tried also in Code, and nothing. It reaches the 20% of secure connection and then is disconnected. When Legacy was selected it did not even start to connect.
exactly @elporti it was fine yesterday but today when I wake up and tried to test I've the same issue.
Google Chrome should still be functioning in your country, given that most smartphones are driven by Android, though Google could withdraw at some time in the future, they are already at odds with the powers that be in your country.
So to recap, a simple "Hello World" project without any extensions, images, JavaScript or external dependency (on or off the internet) will not run on the companion or compile to an APK?
nop. The world does not salute me
we should fine solution
please let me know if you get solution. Thank in advance!