No problem here.
I guess App inventor put me into BlackList what's why projects not opening for me.
Try to check Legacy connection and see if it works
RESULT: when it's reaching 10% stopping nothing happen.
I've exactly the same issue.
I tried this one but still I can't run my project ;((((( it's freezing at 20%
Can someone help to solve this issue.
SHould I install offline AI2???
Companion 2.63 is properly working in live development for me at the moment.
Only if you think the problem is related to a slow Internet connection. However, wait and the problem might resolve itself.
Have you:
- tried loading your aia into the alternative server at code ?
- Did you try a different Project to load? What happens?
- Did you make ANY CHANGES besides your icon? I would expect something you did since you last tried the Project in the Companion (added images, sound files etc.)
I would revert to the default Project Icon and test again. Also load the aia of a previous version of your Project that you saved and see if that version of your Project loads.
I suspect you have have a slow internet. Test using perhaps.
- tried loading your aia into the alternative server at code ?
Yes I tested but still missing
- Did you try a different Project to load? What happens?
Yes tried but the same issue
I had similar errors before, when you minimize the emulator or switch to other tab the companion disconnects.
That was my problem.
Show us a screen recording (better)
You do realize, you are not using the latest Companion 2.63?
When I use Legacy connection this message popup
code.appinventor is working properly too for me. Did you try a different Project. Did you run a speed test?
Why are you closing that qr popup?
i tried different projects too but still the same issu.
Why are you closing that QR message
It contains the companion code, don't close it.
I was talking about this:
That sounds ominous. It may be that the MIT Server is glitchy, as it was yesterday, but none of us (responders to your Topic) have seen that issue today. It might be that a greater power is intercepting your IP, either on the USA side or your side. You could try using a VPN.
tried using
even it's not helping
Are there any browser extensions installed?
Tell us the browser name
but I tried even with Chrome
same issue