Missing Projects from 2022

Meine Projekte von 2022 sind verschwunden!

Welcome. To help you, you have to give more information. "Verschwunden" from where. Which server do you use? Do you have multiple accounts? Etc etc.

Hi Peter,

I’m working on appinventor2.

In my projects I only find files until 2019.

All other Projects until now I can’t find. My login was the google-account. This account was in the last days not usable. What ever happened. Now I have an account with email and password - it is empty and an account via google with reduced projects.

What can I do? One of my projects Have reengineered from my mind - it works. But two projects with sound and pictures for kids are too large to rebuild them.

Best regards Hans-Juergen

So you are using this url? http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/

Did you by any change put them in your trash?

I assigned one of the App Inventor Developers to your topic.

Hi Peter,

trash is empty!

Missing projects are almost always connected to a different Google login used by the same person. App Inventor links projects to the account address, not the account itself, which we don't have access to. Therefore, if the address of an existing account changes, App Inventor has no way to know it's the same account.

What do you mean about your account not being usable in the last few days?

at 16.07.2022 it was temporarily not possible to login with my google-account. I have created a new account with my Email address. The project-folder was empty. At next I have retried a login with my google-account. The latest project was from 12.02.2019. All projects until 16.07.2022 are missing. I have nothing sent to trash. What has happened?

So you now have two accounts?

How was it not possible to log into your Google account?

Could you give me the url of you are using to access App Inventor?

Wie bereits von @Susan_Lane erläutert wurde, sind deine Projekte einem bestimmten App Inventor account zugeordnet, der mit deinem GMail-Account / Adresse (z.B.: HaJueGeissler@gmail.com) generiert wurde (verbunden ist).

Falls ein weiterer Account erstellt wird (mit einer anderen EMail-Adresse (GMail-Account, z.B.: HaJue.Geissler2@gmail.com), dann befinden sich nach der Neuerstellung noch keine Projekte in diesem neuen App Inventor account. Beide accounts sind also völlig unabhängig voneinander, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um dieselbe Person handelt.

Du kannst also nur mit deinem ursprünglichen (ersten) account auf deine alten Projekte zugreifen. Ohne deine EMail-Adresse und das korrekte Passwort hast du keine Möglichkeit (mehr), auf deine Projekte zuzugreifen.

Hinweis: Um immer Zugriff auf alle deine (wichtigen) Projekte zu haben, solltest du diese grundsätzlich auch lokal auf deinem Computer (sowie ggf. zusätzlich auf einem externen Datenträger) speichern (also die AIAs aus App Inventor exportieren).

As already explained by @Susan_Lane, your projects are associated with a specific App Inventor account generated (connected) to your GMail account/address (e.g.: HaJueGeissler@gmail.com).

If another account is created (with a different email address (GMail account, e.g.: HaJue.Geissler2@gmail.com), then there are no projects in this new App Inventor account after the new creation. Both accounts are therefore completely independent of each other, regardless of whether it is the same person.

So you can only access your old projects with your original (first) account. Without your email address and the correct password, you have no way (anymore) to access your projects.

Note: In order to always have access to all your (important) projects, you should always save them locally on your computer (and possibly also on an external data medium) (i.e. export the AIAs from App Inventor).


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