The better way I explained earlier... here the suggestion again, now the 4th time
The value you are storing in TinyDB is a string
The Elenents property expects a list, therefore the error
You can use the ElementsFromString to not get the error...
but like this you can display only one alarm time in your listview... this is not what you need...
If you want to display several alarm times in your listview, then you should have somewhere a list of all those alarm times... my suggestion earlier could do it...
But I didn't understand how to follow your suggestion that's why I was asking for the blocks, I don't know how to solve the data like you told me to, I already tried something but it still didn't work...
A tag is something to identify and the value is the thing identified by the tag?
And yes, the global AlarmList is a List that I want to use to store the Alarms...
And no, I'm not colorblind.
What you have is the list of all alarms as tag and a specific alarm time as value
The suggestion was
what about using your alarm time as tag and storing all data for a specific alarm time as value?
You then could also use the TinyDB.GetTags method to get a list of all stored alarm times to display those in the listview after reopening the app next time
With my suggestion you do not need to store your list anymore, because you can get it always by using TinyDB.GetTags
You are still in the early stages of your project but the due date is 9 of July...
Let me again suggest you to reduce your expectations and simplify your project. You ran out of time.
Have only a daily medication reminder for 1 medicament and get that reminder running correctly instead of having an unfinished non working project in the end.
What is FormatDareTime instant? Isn't that your alarm time?
Does it make sense to store the alarm time twice? As tag and again as one of the items in your value list? Didn't you say yourself earlier, what you want to store?
Yes, if you do it correctly
Up to now you have not been able to show us a screenshot of storing your list correctly