Medication Reminder (again)

Now I created the list for the alarms

what do I have to alter in the blocks to make it save the alarm on the list? I am a bit confused...

And how exactly would I simplify that?

In only 5 min you are not able to learn how to work with lists. . What about start doing the previously mentioned tutorial now?

Also why do you not use the simplified blocks by @Anke ?

Well, you are the app designer...
For example to have only daily alarms
Remember, it is only for a school project...


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It's not just a regular school project, it's the project that will decide if I finish school or not soo I think simplifying is not the option...

Okay! I managed to do something, can you tell me if this is what you meant?

And what do I change in this blocks?

From your latest screenshot it looks like you want to display all alarm times in a listview...

And additionally you like to store the alarm times in TinyDB together with some data like name, description and selection (I'm trying to guess this while looking at your previously provided screenshot)

So what about using your alarm time as tag and storing all data for a specific alarm time as value?

You then could also use the TinyDB.GetTags method to get a list of all stored alarm times to display those in the listview after reopening the app next time


The listview was just because I was following a video tutorial but I do plan to add a ListView in an other screen that the person could use to see/update and delete the alarms that she currently has... What I would put on the "Tag" of the TinyDB store Value? Also, Yes, I do want to store the name, description and selection too in the TinyDB.

Another question that I have, I'm doing this thing where it doesn't let the user submit the medication if one of the textboxes are empty, how can I make it check if there is something selected in the spinner?

Would I have to use the "get selection" and use one of the logic components to check if something is selected or not?

What is the selection index of the spinner, if nothing is selected?
Also you could set it to daily as default


This all the blocks I have for the spinner.

How could I set daily as the default one? And I think the index of the spinner if nothing is selected is 1 that is related "Close Selection"

And for the tag part.. you are saying that the tag is "get global Alarm List" or the "call clock1 .MakeTime" ?

Well, I think it is important, that you understand your blocks... so what is the alarm tine, what is the AlarmList and what is Clock1.MakeTime? You also can use Do it to find it out if you are unsure ..

Why don't you try to find it out with a simple Do it? Also check Spinner.Selection in that case


I made the "do it" like you told me to... the default option for the spinner is "Close Selection" however I am still unsure of what to put in the TinyDB storevalue tag...

For what I'm understanding, what would make more sense is the "get Global alarmList" since when the save button is pressed, it saves the data there...

So the answer is

If Spinner Selection = "Fechar Seleção"
Then "Please select a value"

You have to think about, what you want to store in TinyDB and how...
You need all alarm times and the details of each alarm time... I made a suggestion earlier

It is your app.. you can store your data as you think, you should store it... just try something, and if it does not work, try something else and learn from the errors...


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I want to make another screen with a listview where it shows every medication the user has saved, Is something like this possible?

I really really really need help for this project, the deadline is almost coming and I need my app fully functioning... that's why I'm asking a lot of questions and questioning simple things...

yes of course it is possible
the first step is to define how to store the data

when is the deadline?

let me suggest you to start working on the app then


Then how can I store the data? Just give me a way to do it...

And the deadline is July 9th.

here is my suggestion again... now the 3rd time...


I tried that, but when I use the GetTags function to display them after reopening the app, the listview gives me an error. Based on the blocks I sent earlier, can you show me what I should have done instead with a printscreen of the blocks?

On a different topic, is there a link or a manual for the site that explains where everything on the site is located and what they can do, like an instruction manual? It's because I need to make a thing called an "Technical Manual" that shows how did I make this app like step by step and I need something to base myself off.

Clear TinyDB and restart your test
Use Do it to debug
Let us know, which error you get and show us a screenshot of your relevant blocks

No, I will not do that
It is your school assignment and it is you who should do the work
We here in the community are here for questions and support, we are not here to do your work

You have to do this manually
See one of the examples by @ABG how you can do it here Wordle In A Day or this example Ball collision in pool game - #15 by ABG


I'm currently saving the medication alarm date by the tag 1 because I can't figure out a better way, now, when I go to another screen and put try to make the item appear on the listview when the screen inicializes with this code

and this error appears