Live data in list view ,how?

So,its for my project, my topic is smart surveillence in urban farming.its consits of sensors that sent live data to my firebase cloud which shows on my MIT app,but the problem is i need to show the data t in a list view of the like
Temperature reading1 :22 degree
Temperature reading2 :22.4 degree
Temperature reading3 :22.8 degree
and as the list must be updated whenever the cloud gets the data,i tried whatching all tutorials in youtube and all all those are not working because they show only constant data.i tried and failed miserabliy

,so these are the blocks and design of my first page,i dont know howto start on the live list view of the data in the second page ,if anyone can help me please do.

Each time you get new data, update your underlying list with that data then apply that data to you list iew elements

I did not see any listView in your designer.

You are trying to display your data in a Label.
You can do this:
set Temp_val.Text to JOIN (value, '\n', Temp_val.Text)

i know the idea but i am not able to put the concep tinto my designer blocks

i dont know how to activate the listview,i dont understand the concept of it and how does it work.

Do you actually need a listview, or do you simply need to display the latest values from Firebase in the textboxes you have on Screen1 ?

Have you tried the AI2 Charts component?

It can be used to show readings over time.

I want to see all my live temperature data on screen 2

this screen 1 diagram below
but it is not working, I got Firebase as my main database; as a result, I can see the data on screen 1, and it's real-time updating. I used Tempbase to store data from screen 1 and show the data on screen 2, but it is not working, and I need to see the data in a list manner. I do not know, but it is not working. someone, please help me with the block diagram.

  1. You have an empty socket, fill this with an empty text block.


  1. You are not switching screens correctly
Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia
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