March 2, 2025, 5:35pm
Hello everyone
I'm currently working on a small address management system. I import the data via a csv file and can display, edit and delete it in the list view.
So far everything works.
I use the filter bar of the list view element to filter. Is there a way to use a button to empty this filter bar so that all elements are displayed again?
Thank you very much for your help
March 2, 2025, 5:46pm
Just reload the listview elements.
March 3, 2025, 2:36pm
the filter is deleted and I see all the entries in the list again but the search filter remains unchanged.
Share your blocks so as to help further. We need to see how do you set blocks after filter
March 3, 2025, 3:53pm
Yes, sorry, there seems to be no way to reset it.
You could use a custom filterbar where you have more control:
With all links to Italo's guide on the above lost from appyBuilder and Thunkable, I thought I would put up a remix of the original blocks, with an aia project example. This uses a clock timer instead of a textbox extension. The only change I have made is to add an extra conditional check: does the last textbox content equal the current textbox content (if so, do nothing), to cut down on unnecessary processing. This also ensures that listview selections above the last one can be made. Clock timer…