Linking the listview with a button

but now am facing challenges of linking the listview with a button for example if the user clicks on a button they should be able to get a drop down list of elements in the listview

Good day is it possible to link buttons with the list view in Mit for example if the user clicks the button they should be able to get a drop down of the elements in the list view

Something like this ?


I have about 9 buttons that represent 9 csv files

Use a List Picker

You need to use a listview or listpicker instead of all those buttons!! :wink:

lemme share the code...Its a navigation application for a University and the design interface that l want to use
In addition l want to add information on the app that shows personal details of the person who created the app

How then to l add labels to the listview so that they can be different and for the user tto be able to see that this list view contains data for health facilities on campus

Use Main text and detail text in the listview?

In the blocks l should set the buttons to read listview nmain text and detail text

Looks like you are getting yourself into a muddle!

9 File components ?
9 listviews ?

How about one listview for showing the categories you show on all the buttons.
Once you select a category, the listview then shows the items related to that category, e.g. if a user selects Restrooms, then the csv for Restrooms is shown in a listview, the user selects and your app does its thing.

Please help to the blocks

Something like this:

okay lemme that