A slight correction, option 2 displays the same behaviour as option 3 if buttons are initially created individually and not as a group (as shown in my example above)
If you were to move to real buttons, how many do you believe you will ever need on a single plan?
30? 50?
These can all be managed by changing their visible property, and using lists to handle their initial positioning when made visible and moveability (in the case of KIO4_Move). Once visible, their position and visibility can be saved to tinydb for recovery on next use.
Did we ever suggest using a canvas and imageSprites ?
How are you setting the text for your buttons at present? Looks like you have lists of some kind ? I can work something up to set labels on the sprites.
@TIMAI2@Juan_Antonio thank you both for your efforts today. I just got home to my desk. 9pm here in Savannah, GA USA. I am beat.
I will start tomorrow morning on the next round here. about 9 hours maybe.
I am setting the button in Device.GotText That is where it gets json data from device, and does through a few comparisons. in the middle of the JSON string there are is a list of 6 temperatures, the first one is room temperature. it set red or green, all the others set yellow
You enter the text (multiline) before you 'create' a sprite, otherwise you get the hint text.
Turn on the menu to generate a menu when you click a sprite (turn off menu after use)
Delete clears the sprite for later re-use
Edit allows to change the displayed text
Credits to Jerin Jacob (component2Image) and Kevinkun (Regex) for their extensions