Is it possible to get email id of user in runtime ? One way to get this is through Manifest.xml
So my question is there any other way to do that ?
Is it possible to get email id of user in runtime ? One way to get this is through Manifest.xml
So my question is there any other way to do that ?
Im use this :
private String GetEmail() {
String x = "";
String usrID = "";
try {
XmlResourceParser xml = this.context.getAssets().openXmlResourceParser("AndroidManifest.xml");
for (int eventType =; eventType != 1; eventType = {
if (eventType == 2 && xml.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("provider")) {
usrID = xml.getAttributeValue("", "authorities").split("\\.")[2];
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this.context, "Some Exeption Occured" + e.toString(), 0).show();
return usrID;
Thanks for the response. This is not what I want I already know how to do this, do you have any other way than this ?
And don’t mind, is this code yours ? This code looks 99% similar with my code ?
Technically, there’s no way to get the email address of the person who built the app. First, you can have multiple email addresses that map to the same username (for example, I am and, both will yield the same ai_ewpatton). Second, people can repackage their apps (e.g., AppToMarket) using a package name that is different from the one used to compile.
If we can take a step back to the 30k foot view, what would be the purpose of knowing this information?
@ewpatton Hello sir, thanks for your response. Actually I’m trying to create a full proof library that will help extension developers to stop piracy of their paid extension.
I’m not really sure this would be feasible as a library. The problem is that you have to distribute the Java binary, and anyone could just no-op the section of code that performs the validity check (really, just one person needs to and then distribute it). This is how the early game DRM schemes were broken.
I created this.It may not solve the issue completely but will help a lot to stop piracy.
I created a post about it.
This not my own code ,this from another developer extension too
But your library is wonderfull,i ll try Sir @Souvik_Bera