Is it possible to color the inside of triangle that made by three balls in canvas?

Hello. I have made a triangle by using three balls and drawing lines between them in canvas. Is it possible to color the inside of this triangle? Thank you.

If you have each ball with centre as origin, you can draw a polygon based upon the x/y coordinates of all your balls.

Yes, certainly. :wink:


Hello again. Is it possible for this color to be transparent inside the object? Thank you


Hello again. Is it possible for this color to be transparent inside the object? Thank you

You certainly could figure this out from

Colors blocks

The fourth item in the list governs degree of transparency.

Hi thanks :bouquet:

Hello again. Why does the transparent mode disappear when we set the transparency of a shape in the clock?
fill.aia (3.0 KB)

How did you change color? blocks not aia please.

Hi thanks.

change the forth item 50 to 255? Or 0?

I want the shape to be 50% transparent and remain the same amount

Then you already did that.

I want the transparency of the shape to change whenever a condition is met, so I have put it in a clock.Why does the amount of transparency change in the clock?

You can change to any number 0 to 255 as you wish.

Why does the amount of transparency change in the clock?( the rgb value is fixed)

By why, you mean how?
What transparent do you want? A random number?

I'm sorry, my English is not good and I can't convey to you what I mean. If I put these blocks in a button, when I click on the button, the shape becomes transparent and stays fixed, but if I put the same block in a clock, the amount Its transparency little by little decreases. Why?

I can not see any these blocks can do this.
