iOS build server updated to 2.64.6 (rev 3)

OK. In my device Iphone X v 16.7.7 runs well to return the prior screen with the BackPressed top-left button and the Left to Right movement: Only for any few times.

Really? Why shouldn't this work on my iPad 12 Pro (iOS 17.4.1)?

but i also tried, but DELETE performs same GET.

Blocks work as usual, might be docs not updated, bcoz i perform POST using KeyValue pair and it works fine

Sure. In my iPoneX v 16.7.7 the back movement left to righ for return teh prio screen is running. But only a few times (after I receive the fatal error reported before).

But if you want to publish your app on the App Store, it should work on all iOS devices.

Yes, but I had to enable developer mode on my iPhone 15 Pro Max to install the app.

See here: Apple-Betasoftware installieren und verwenden - Support - Apple Developer. And here: Installing and using Apple beta software - Support - Apple Developer


It also doesn't work on my iPhone 15 Pro Max (iOS 17.4.1).

Build this app testNavigation_2.aia (12.9 KB) and try again...

IHi @Anke
I build the aia and test it. The app runs but at 4th navigation.time I have a fatal error.
What have you change in the aia attached?

Ok, try this one:
testNavigation_2a.aia (13.0 KB)

I disabled all Clock components (blocks).

Yeahhh¡¡¡ Now is running well and not have errors with several navigations beween screens (go and retunr).
What What influence does the timer have on navigation between screens?

Maybe @ewpatton can provide some reason. It's very weird

Try the same with your aia version...

I build the original aia and test. It runs but at 6 navegation time go-returns it have the fatal error.

What do you want to test? The original woth the timer has the fatal error with a few
navegations times.

Did you also disable the timer on both screens?

No. I do it.

With the Timer disabled in both screens I have none error.
The Timer is the responsable for the navigation fatal-error. Thats totally clear.

If I disable the Timer ONLY in the Screen2 and have enabled the Timer on Screen1 the app runs well and not have the fatal failure.

Wall is very curious-.....

Hi @Anke
I have tested several posibilities and I found a solution to not have the error:
1-I put all the Timers with the TimerAlwaysFire option disabled.
2-I Disabled in every Screen their Timer before go to other Screen. And I enable the Timer when every screen is accesed.

See you the attached AIA.

Whith this configuration I have not the fatal navigation error and I can the Timer active in every screen.

What do you think about it?
testNavigation_3.aia (13.3 KB)

Do you know what is the function of the option TimerAlwaysFire if I can not have the app running in background as a service?

Is there a way to get to use this server?

It would be amazing because I'm building an app for an out of school time place and I will let the guys update and develop further the app.

Now only few people with android can use it and it's a pity for the ios people... 3
The iOS server

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Hey thanks a lot