I need help with an app I'm working on

Good day! I'm making an app for a school project. The app should recognize spoken numbers from 1 to 80 using a speech recognizer and send them to an Arduino. The app should continuously listen for speech, display the recognized number on the screen, and adjust a slider that is connected to the screen which presents the number.

However, I'm facing issues where the speech recognizer doesn't work very well, and I'm also struggling to create a function for this functionality. I use an extension to continuesly use the voice recogniser

Post your sketch too.

Look in the Play store for a Bluetooth terminal app you can use to test the sketch independently of the AI2 app.

You will need to delimit the end of message with \n and scan for that in the sketch.

This link may help getting the SpeechRecognizer working correctly for continuous dictation without using an extension . :thinking: You might try the aia that is part of the tutorial.

Even after you get speech recognition working, you will have to consider questions like how to parse a sequence of words to assemble them into a number.

Is "thirty seven" 307 or 37?

There are solutions on this board for the reverse problem, taking a number and expressing it in text.

You could use one of those solutions to populate a TinyDB NameSpace with text tags for the numbers ('thirty seven'), and numerical values (37) for those tags. Just count up from 1 to 80 and fill the TinyDB instance.

At run time, if you receive something new ('[four score](“Fourscore.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, FOURSCORE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.)') and are okay with learning new numbers, add them to the TinyDB NameSpace.

Thanks, the voice recognision seems to work now, sadly only in english. I will look into it