I do not know what to call my problem

I make app to day
I installed it on my mobile
my mobile gave on error
my blocks is correct
and not problem
I installed it on my mother's phone
She phone gave on error
I do not know what to do
help me!

Can you please show the blocks and the AIA file? We cannot help you if we do not know these.

my blocks is correct *
blocks (2)

This app is for my school and it is very simple

But my fram is Iran
and my language app Persian

Clean_Earth.aia (879.3 KB)

You do not appear to be switching screens correctly....

Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia

thanks for you :pray: :pray:
i see you file in app inventor
thanks :pray:

I put the blocks that you said and put, but my problem was not solved