please help me for this block
You will need to provide more details about what you want to achieve and in what order.
You already appear to be saving / appending data to a csv file....
Do you want to save the same data to a google sheet or different data?
Do you want your google sheet to be anyone with the link can edit or private?
What do you want to do with the data on the google sheet once you have uploaded it?
Where / how do you want to make the table, what kind of table, do you want to interact with the table?
that my block
that my aia
Zcell_4.aia (53.9 KB)
i want to separate to the left from lemineral up to 800000
Here I gave you the solution and you still show the old blocks ...
This application from this post works and saves csv correctly. Just delete your old csv file before testing!
You didn't answer any of my questions.....