How to create own app inventor only for windows

In this guide I tell you How to create own appinventor

Note:- git must be installed in computer

What you need to create own appinventor

  1. Clone of appinventor sources
  2. Apache ant
  3. Google cloud sdk
  4. Java jdk 8
  5. Python

Download link
1.Clone of appinventor sources - open git and type git clone and enter
2.Apache ant-Apache Ant - Binary Distributions

3.Google cloud sdk- Install the gcloud CLI  |  Google Cloud

4.Java JDK 8-

Download any from these two
5.Python-Download Python |

Setting environment variable

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Right click on This PC
  3. Click on properties
  4. Click on advance system variable that is in left side
  5. In variable name type JAVA_OPTIONS
  6. In variable value type -Xmx1024M
  7. Click on Ok
  8. Click on New
  9. In variable name type CLASSPATH
  10. In variable value type %ANT_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\lib
  11. Click on OK
  12. Click on New
  13. In variable name type JAVA_HOME
  14. In variable value paste your java jdk 8 directory like mine is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_291
  15. Click on OK
  16. Then find Path in User variable
  17. If you do not get Path in User variable then create a new whose variable name is Path
  18. If you get Path then click on Edit
  19. In blank area type %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin
  20. In another blank area type %ANT_HOME%\bin
  21. In another blank area type %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  22. Click on Ok
  23. Now we edit in system variable
  24. Click on New
  25. In variable name type ANT_HOME
  26. In variable value paste your apache ant bin directory like mine is C:\Users\Afroz Ahmad\Downloads\apache-ant-1.10.11-bin\apache-ant-1.10.11\bin
  27. Click on ok
  28. Click on New
  29. In variable name type ANT_OPTS
  30. In variable value type -Xmx1024M
  31. Then find Path in System variable
  32. If you do not get Path in System variable then create a new whose variable name is Path
  33. If you get Path then click on Edit
  34. now find C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath
  35. If you do not get then paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath in blank area
  36. Click on Ok
  37. Click on ok
  38. Now your variable goes complete

Whitelisting appinventor-sources file

  1. Open Virus and threat protection
  2. Scroll down

  3. Click on Folder
  4. Select appinventor-sources folder

Building appinventor

  1. Open cmd(commmand prompt)
  2. type cd and paste you appinventor directory like mine is C:\Users\Afroz Ahmad\Desktop\appinventor-sources
  3. Now enter
  4. type git pull origin master
  5. when git pull origin master done then type git submodule deinit --all
  6. when git submodule deinit --all done then type git submodule update --init
  7. when all done type cd appinventor
  8. then type ant MakeAuthKey
  9. when done type ant
  10. when done close cmd
  11. open google cloud sdk shell
  12. type cd and paste your appinventor-sources\appinventor directory like mine is C:\Users\Afroz Ahmad\Desktop\appinventor-sources\appinventor
  13. Click enter
  14. type java_dev_appserver.cmd --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/
  15. enter and wait for some time till it say that Dev App Server is now running
  16. If it say that This action requires installation of a component(app-engine-java) then open google cloud sdk shell and paste gcloud install component app-engine-java and then click Y and when done then re-run java_dev_appserver.cmd --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/
  17. now open cmd
  18. type type cd your appinventor-sources\appinventor\build-server directory like mine is C:\Users\Afroz Ahmad\Desktop\appinventor-sources\appinventor\buildserver
  19. Type ant RunLocalBuildServer
  20. Click enter when it goes succesfull
  21. open http://localhost:8888/

You show the same image five times in the setting java variables section of your guide ?


Added for understanding

1 Like

but it doesn't add to the understanding. It would be like putting up a picture of a dog with the caption, "see the cat"


Ok, ok I will edit

You are assuming that everyone has installed git, you should also mention that git must be installed in computer and path should be set correctly otherwise you will get error

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Can you please explain what exactly this procedure does? I'm not sure but it looks like it runs AI2 in windows?

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Yes, this will run AI2 in window (offline)
You can also edit files and make AI2 as you demand and If your editing is completed you can host your own builder.
Kodular, Niotron use same method

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Here you're completely wrong! this may lead to many issues in the future!
We can make App Inventor for x64 bit version systems then if we download x86 one then it causes issues...
Because the same happened with me too and I wasted time for this small silly thing...

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And even sometimes adding an Anti-Virus Exclusion is not that important, except some situations...

And even if you have any other anti-virus software then you should add an exclusion from that software.

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don't close it,

Actually don't do this, just paste this command in the cmd itself

cmd stands for Command Prompt

java_dev_appserver.cmd --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/

You also missed a step after this that is pasting this command:
start ant RunLocalBuildServer

1 Like

Nothing happen If we close

What do you mean by this I do not understand

Yes, thanks for info This command will Run Build Server

For me 84 is working

I think you're saying 86

But ensure that it works for everyone, try more to gain knowledge of some things related to these...

I mean that do these commands in the cmd itself


Type it directly in your system's command prompt rather than using the Google Cloud SDK shell; great idea imho.


could not find appengine-web.xml in war