How to build a big app → APK max. 100 MB or → AAB 150 MB

You can remove practically all (big) assets (like media files) from the aia beforehand if you want to fill the APK with larger files afterwards. (Keep the aia as small as possible to be able to load it quickly.)

I've certainly done this procedure well over 1000 times and it only takes a few seconds to do it.

If I understood correctly, I remove all the media files and put the big ones and more, how do I do it next?
Because the APK Editor Studio allows only to replace already existing files with new bigger ones.
Unless there is a file gap way to upload the new big ones, I haven't seen it yet

Unless I put the new large files after opening the :Research directory


Now I've lost the series of how I can put more and bigger music files than the 3-4 I had.

Unfortunately, it is now that I do not understand anything, while I hoped that I would succeed.

Should I or shouldn't I have music files in the the first APK?
These should probably be 1-2 small ones, which I will later replace with 1-2 larger or rather large ones.
This is something I can't find so big music files last 10-15 minutes.
Ok thanks

It doesn't matter as long as the music files are assigned to the Player.Source via blocks.
Otherwise, these must not be removed, but can be any small (short) music files.

I have more than 300 audio files in many of my Play Store apps that are not in the aia and not in the APK to be decompiled. I only add them later.

I took 23 pieces of music and merged them into 3 separate ones, which I replaced with these 3 very small ones I had put in.
And now I have about 2 hours of music on my cell phone.
Thank you for helping a lot.

you can add more music files, add or replace both ok with apk editor studio.

Before you compile the apk, you need to know the file name you will add later, make the blocks just like they already in the assets.

or you can get a list of all assets with an extension (Taifun's File extension I think) in runtime.

Taifun's File extension, don't know what is it, but I'll look into it to see what someone can do with it

Yes you should. Everyone who works with AI2 should know the TaifunFile extension, see here.

However, in this context (in relation to your problem) it is irrelevant, since you should know the audio file names and should have already assigned them to the Player component via blocks.

I will study it, thank you again

AS you can see here when i click on the file icon to open the buildbigapk doesnt show up instead it shows this , what should i do?