Sorry for such an elementary question. I tried both
Both of them did not work. just for experiment I had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 value and the value never came back to 1, it just stayed put?
Please look at this example:
My question is should the "set spinner to 0" block be inside a "when <>.AfterSelecting" block for it to get initialized? I am confused. Please advice.
April 8, 2022, 9:22pm
2017! - probably before I got the hang of it
The spinner component is an odd thing, and requires some rigour to get control of it.
This is how I usually setup a spinner so that all the selections are available every time. I use a button to set the selection and call the spinner dropdown, and "hide" the spinner by setting its height and width to 1 pixel each. If placed inside a centred horizontal arrangement, the spinner should be invisible in all themes.
By adding a "Close Menu" selection (it can be called what ever you want) at the fir…
April 15, 2022, 9:23pm
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