How do you display a link into a image?

I tried to find a post about this but I am very lost

Your url does not look correct.

What is in the textbox ?

Did you know you can load images directly from urls, and with blocks set the size of the image component ?

I found it from another form

UrlLogo (1).aia (2.1 KB)

and no I didn't or I couldn't find it

Your aia contains no blocks...

I gave you the wrong one now it should be updated.

This only shows the blocks you have already posted, which are of no help.

Explain clearly, and in detail, what it is you are trying to achieve.

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Here’s what I am thinking.

If a person type in a url for the textbox it would get the logo from the website that the person typed in and would be transferred into the image when they click the button.

OK, how will we know which image to capture from the website? The only reliable location would be the favicon e.g.


Three methods to get the favicon of a website


UrlLogo_1_revised.aia (7.6 KB)

How can I make the image more clear like this
Screenshot 2025-02-28 1.21.44 PM
than this
Screenshot 2025-02-28 1.22.21 PM

Depends a) on the website, b) on the method.

Oh so there's no other way to make it more clear.

Most favicons are 16x16/32x32 pixels, but some websites offer alternative images (e.g.

Can you make it so that whatever size the image is from the url and make the Image (User Interface) to that size

The aia I provided already does this, the image component is set to 100x100 pixels.

I mean the image size would turn to whatever size the image is of the url

Set the image component's height and width to Automatic. This will show images upto the screen width of the device (they are usually square).

Do you now have a solution for this topic ?

Sorry I forgot

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