How can I make a history for a webview

Like this

Is that what you wanted ?

Do you mean that the picture you want is the favicon of the url visited ?


Well, you already know how to get the favicon for a website, and i have indicated how you can use the currentUrl block from the webviewer to get the url, so you have everything you need to do what you want ?

Well that was a image cut and paste on what I want it to look like but have no idea how to make it

We have covered both of the requirements already, one in this topic!:

I know me and you covered them but I have no Idea because I never used listview and got it out of a video

I promise you I don't know

Here is an example aia, that demonstrates one way to do what you ask.

wvTest.aia (4.0 KB)

I could only get the google favicon finder to work with the canvas.


Is this because it enter to /search?

most likely

I did a "search" for bananas (on my computer) and got this url:

The url looks a bit different from the webviewer.

The blocks are probably not setup to handle such a url

Any reason you want to save a search url, when you can simply search ?

Are you able to get rid of all the error messages

Let me see if i can fix it, probably the naming of the image.

Error fixed by changing the image naming method:


You will need to set the height of the listview (e.g. 30%) so that you can still see the webviewer

Where is this located

There is only one Canvas1.SaveAs block in my aia.

Look here...

Is there a way to make a way so the list won't copy down like or /search and please show me a screenshot of how you do it

One thing you could do is ask the user if they want to save a loaded page to history, they could then give it a friendly name (or use the page title), and this could then be displayed in the listview instead of the url. This would avoid the duplicates I believe you refer to.

Here you are, try this:

wvTestV2.aia (4.0 KB)

Another version with the history being saved to tinydb

wvTestV3.aia (4.3 KB)

Thanks but I still have one issue is how do I change the size of the logo because it is big