In a total of 7 screens, 6 virtual and one real, I try to place on each screen an application, so that it becomes one with 7 applications, like a multitool.
I have a problem, and that is, every time I go to put another app, I do it up and down, the screens get confused, like now with the last one I put in, it shows up on the home screen and on other virtual ones along with everything I have put another one there.
Is there some rule, some lesson to guide me to be able to put on the virtual screens and the real one, e.g. another app and only appear on the screen where I want it?
You can disabled the checkbox "visible" of the completed virtual screens (arrangements) so they don't bother you. Additionally, most of these visual screens will start the app not visible.
I set them all to invisible but it still happens, I couldn't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I only leave the one I'm working on, but they still appear on other screens
In the project you shared in the other topic, for example, you can disabled visible checkbox for all arrangements (red dot) except except the one you're working on, for example in the assigned to the screes2.2:
Thank you all for your valuable help.
I will continue tomorrow with a clear mind. Tonight will leave it , (night here in us) .
If another question arises tomorrow, I trust you to ask . Thanks again
I was hoping not to bother you again with the same subject.
I took it from the beginning and step by step I got almost everything right.
Except that when I open the application, it doesn't show me the first screen where I have a calendar, but a blank screen. It shows it after I click first on another menu, then on the one that says calendar to show it.
I can't fix it so that opening the app brings up the first screen not blank but with the calendar.
If I need to upload the AIA...?
Check the Visible textbox of that first screen you want to see or, in the Initialize block, set to Visible=true the arrangement of that screen.
The idea to hide all the arrangement was to let you work better (a clear work place in the screen) but, once finished, stablish to visible those arrangement you want to see again.
Oooooh, you're a treasure.
Thank you very much.
The great thing about this way of creating virtual screens is that the application works very quickly on mobile I think. But it needs a good understanding of how they work
In another application I put a simple game as well, but I want when at the end of the game I select the Quit not to close the application, but to change the game to play from the beginning.
Then include in the "else" statement whatever that starts the new game....a new game is a different game? because Replay seems to re-start the game....Do you have two different games?