How do I use CompCreator with Listview?

I did it, did you see the blocks ?
TableCompCreatorOnClick.aia (36.2 KB)

You are using horizontal scroll arrangements. Just use horizontal arrangements

How can I have horizontal scroll (many columns) ?

You will need to put the main container inside a horizontal scroll arrangement.

Go back and look at the blocks provided for my dynamic table example, this shows how to do it.

Where ? I can not find it

short memory :wink:

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I'm 77 ...

well remembered :smiley:

I can not get my goal, can you modify my aia ?

See attached
TableCompCreatorOnClick_revised.aia (36.5 KB)

It actually needed an outer horizontal scrolling arrangement (base), then an inner vertical arrangement (baseinner) set to a specified height (I used 600 for this example). everything else is set inside this.

(columns b and c are off to the right!)

In the dynamic Table example, we set the column widths based upon the content of each cell, this sets the width of the inner vertical arrangement

Thank You, it runs well, not very easy for me.

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Hello Team!
I would like to get selected row values
example if I selected row 4 then I shoud get values (16/06 SHOPS3 item2)
how to do ?

Here is my BLOCK

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change so

IS there any other option to get selected ROW values ?

What is the problem with the solution proposed by @patel ?

App is closing after some clicks

Which emulator are you using? Mi ?

you want to get row value by click row?or any label?

by selecting row I should get SELECTED ROW values.

the same with MIT AI2 Companion