How do I remove "\" of firebase data?

I'm trying to use Google Sheets to read Firebase data stored by an App.
I need to store it in a json structure like : {"Name":"Breno","Last Name":"Silva"}

However, FirebaseDB component inserts this "back slash" character to the value, which make it impossible to read it as a json object on my Google Sheets function (IMPORTJSON function).

Is there any way to remove this character?

Thank you!

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You can make it like this replace “/” to empty

Don’t use the FirebaseDB component, do it all using the web component/webviewer instead

Firebase Database REST API | Firebase

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oooh why @TIMAI2 :scream:

It removes the leading and trailing slashes and double quotes from anything posted from Ai2 to Firebase realtime database, and allows storage of numbers as numbers. Also means that the data posted from Ai2 can be easily accessed by other platforms, e.g. Google Sheets, and matches the data you would input directly on the firebase console.

ooo i got it. Thanks a lot @TIMAI2

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Thank you for the suggestion! But I also need the “Persist” property of FirebaseDB component. Is “Persist” possible with Web component? Thanks again!

The best that can be offered, I believe…

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I’ll work on that. Really appreciate your help!!

how do you do, remove "/" if used it firebaseDB

give me tutorial TT need help :sob:

Never try to do it though when u upload text and see in db it contains \ when u again get it there won't be \ so no issue also these \ is a good pros on firebase DB because a single text upload return the same but when a multi line para upload and if there is no \ in db then when we receive we get para convert to a huge single line so I finally conclude \ is important and doesn't matter no need to remove it \ means a formater
\\ means next underneath line

It all depends on how you structure your data for firebase, and when it returns to the app. If you, as a developer, know you are working without the \, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Ya but on my side I made a para reader app so I need database admin upload para client receive it so at times it was helpful in case of remove I don't have sure idea but maybe we can convert out text to JSON object or array I am not sure then we can upload just a guess

I am facing same issue even in ai2, when i store string "on" in google Firebase, it gets stored as ""on"", i could not find solution for this.

Then do not store on with quotes around it.

I mean i just store on, but Firebase show its "\on"

If you are using the AI2 firebase component, it should store on as \"on\", directly storing using the console will store "on"

Yes you are right it store on as \"on\", any solution to store only on in firebase?