How do I remove "\" of firebase data?

Use the web component and firebase REST API, as linked further up in this topic

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Ok thanks, let me try it.

Hello @AppaSy_MIT
ive solved with a workaround it not removes the "" but you can keep comparing things i leave a screen capture on how i've done... hope it helps!

this is inside of firebase got value and using json utils extension

Thank you for your contribution. You have shown that this may well work in Kodular.

Please show that this also works with App Inventor blocks (for example: there is no Device_Utilities component in AI2)

From what I can see, this will not stop the firebase component surrounding a string with \s...?


Hi, exactly it doesn't remove the "\" and yes i was making an app in kodular at the time i saw this post and simply wanted to contribute for anyone who need, even to use this component in appinventor will be the same except for the "deviceid", but the way for comparing the string returned from firebase is the same

I still do not see how your "workaround" in any way resolves the questioner's problem of firebase storing text with \" characters at either end, when using the AI2 firebase component? Perhaps I am missing something ?

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