How do I put buttons or labels into repeat cycle like for each number ... do?

If I need to change the values of many elements, such as button1 .... button20 or label1 ... label20, then I can't do it with a repeat cycle but I have to do massive procedures and if I want to set a limit, I have to assign each assignment separately put into a if-sentence ...
... and all because the item sequence number can't be referenced ...
... is there really no other way, a repeat cycle could solve this with a few command lines ...

Use lists and the anyComponent blocks for this:

image can use the Technique TimAI2 has demonstrated to change most of the button attributes, including colours. You will find the Blocks in "Any Components", which grows as the number of different components are added to your Project (i.e. zero components, zero any component blocks available)..

Show an example to make it clear what exactly this is about.

Thank you,
sounds good, but where i can find the anycomponent blocks like this: set Button.Text of component?

Sorry, thanks to chrisward I already found ...

Is there any way also when to do

your question is unclear... please elaborate...
see also


Here's a sample app to study ...

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