Hello! I want to open a clickable Element from a ListView on another screen.
On the other screen I need the ID from the Element to be retrieved for my URL. How do I retrieve the ID and how can I show the element?
This is the Screen, where the ListView is.
This is screen 2 and in this block I need the ID. (For the URL, to load the data from the database)
At this moment I was trying to store the selectionIndex in a TinyDB, but the SelectionIndex does not equal the right ID.
The data type is a json.
How do I retrieve the ID to eventually store it either in a TinyDB or to get it directly onto the next page?
I have a database underlying the app, and a restful API. this URL comes from my code from the restful API. This is the request, to load the list of customers to the app.
The data of the list, is basically a list, where each item consists of 18 attributes.
The list is retrieved from the database.
The first attribute of an item is the ID.